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Abstract Review Board (ARB)

Abstract Scientific review is a process that evaluates the scientific merit of submitted research proposals (Abstracts), the abstract review must be completed and approved by the Abstract Review Board (ARB). ARB member’s purpose is to ensure that the submitted scientific data is unique. The Abstract Review Board (ARB) was established to reinforce the organization mission of promoting quality of research. Our LexisConferences have a well-established ARB team, that reviews each scientific proposals data, scientific quality and correct study design, research related images, tables, conclusion and results of the Abstracts submitted to our conferences.

All the received abstracts will be submitted to our ARB members, each abstract will undergo two reviews by our ARB members. Our ARB team will review your abstracts and makes some recommendations, suggestions on your abstract. According to the comments you can change the content and you can resubmit the abstract.

Guidelines to Presenting Author

  • It is assumed that the presenting author will have adequate command of English to present and to respond to questions. If that is not the case, the authors should choose a poster as their preference or he can bring translator as an accompanying person.
  • The presentation at the Conference must be matching with the submitted abstract. In particular, the abstract title, authorship, and scientific content of the presentation at the annual meeting must match the submitted abstract, although updates on results may be added.
  • Data from the long-term follow-up of previously presented may be submitted only if significant, changes or new information can be shown.

Responsibilities of the Presenting Author

  • The first author mentioned in each abstract serves as the presenting author and as the primary contact for all correspondence regarding the abstract, unless otherwise specified under the "Contact Information" in the abstract.
  • Obtaining copyright transfer consent from co-authors.
  • If, any changes in the submitted abstracts suggested by our Review committee, then corresponding author need notifying same to all co-authors.
  • Notify us of a replacement presenter before one month prior to the conference.
  • Informing all co-authors about changes to the program, as might be conveyed by 12th World Congress on Food Chemistry

Any of the following criteria will make an abstract ineligible for presentation at 12th World Congress on Food Chemistry

  • Abstract data that is publicly available or published in any journal major search engines (such as PubMed, Google Scholar, etc.), but it can be accepted if the abstract is with some changes. It is subjected to publish in only conference proceedings, not to publish full length article.
  • Data without appropriate results and pictures, references to the submitted article.
  • Guaranteeing that all authors have read the Abstract content and consented to be co-authors. Inability to get endorsement from all co-authors will bring about dismissal of the abstract.
  • Abstracts should be written in clear and concise English, so that reviewers are able to focus on the scientific merits of the submission. We encourage non-English-speaking authors to have their abstracts checked for grammar and spelling prior to submission.
  • If any reviewer arising your data as out of conference topic or unrelated topic abstracts will be ineligible.