
Welcome to the Official Attendee Housing Site for the Global Meet on Condensed Matter Physics and Materials will be held in the Windy City of Paris, France

The conference will take place in the following dates and location


2 rue du 8 mai 1945 – 92 110 Clichy

Dates: October 25-26, 2019

About City

Paris is the most visited tourist destination in the world, with over 45 million visitors annually, it is very easy to arrive in Paris with huge expectations: of grand vistas, of budding writers in every cafe, of romance on the Seine and rude waiters. It is easy to see in Paris the city of love and the city of lights. The estimated 2.2 million inhabitants of Paris are all very proud to be Parisian. In fact, there are 65 films that star the Eiffel Tower as a significant feature. And that's just a small fraction of the number of films that merely feature the Eiffel Tower either as a symbol of French or European lifestyle and as an example of something beautiful. Paris has the best city attractions like the Louvre Museum, Our Lady of Paris, Avenue des Champs-Elysees, Musee d'Orsay, Sacred Heart, and many more....

Main city attractions:

  • Eiffel Tower

  • Louvre Museum

  • Our Lady of Paris

  • Sacre-Coeur

  • Avenue Champs-Elysees